Non-newsroom Bargaining: Session Six
THE NON-NEWSROOM UNIT of the Denver Newspaper Guild and Denver Post representatives met Feb. 23. The amount of sick leave and unpaid time off provided in the current contract was…
CWA Local 37074
THE NON-NEWSROOM UNIT of the Denver Newspaper Guild and Denver Post representatives met Feb. 23. The amount of sick leave and unpaid time off provided in the current contract was…
DENVER POST NEWSROOM Guild representatives and management met Feb. 23 in collective bargaining talks. We spent the entire meeting discussing what criteria should be used in the event of staff…
THE PEW RESEARCH Center for People & the Press released a study Feb. 7, Cable Leads the Pack as Campaign News Source, which offered up the not terribly surprising news…
DIGITAL FIRST MEDIA CEO John Paton addressed the Canadian Journalism Foundation in Toronto on Feb. 16. From Digital First, Feb. 18, 2012: >snip< And now, like many of you, I…
DENVER NEWSPAPER GUILD and Denver Post representatives met Feb. 15 and continued discussion over the role seniority plays in layoff order and employee evaluations. No other subjects were discussed. The…
THERE WAS SOME chatter in the newsroom about The Denver Post featuring a photo of Sports Illustrated swimsuit cover model Kate Upton (“SI Covergirl Kate Upton,” also “SI Swimsuit Launch…
Newspapers are the voice of the community. We are the voice of newspaper employees | The Denver Newspaper Guild Local 37074 is a union of Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska and Montana newspaper employees, and employees working for unions and nonprofit organizations in the state.